Massage Therapy
Tai Chi
Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy

Relaxation, Pain management, and Event prep & Recovery. Evan combines elements of deep tissue, sports massage, Trager, and even some relaxation techniques such as Reiki to facilitate a more efficient, less pain-intensive massage that is still effective, and can help decrease recovery time. A Japanese relaxation technique that facilitates and supercharges the body's own healing processes. Reiki is very effective in pain management, grief management, depression, relapse prevention, and making lasting life changes.

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Reiki sessions can include tablework, but can also include meditative sessions called Experiences that can be helpful in things such as pain management, stress and grief management, clearing negative energies, negative mental programming, or blocks to positive expression.

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Tai Chi

An internal martial art whose name can be translated as "supreme ultimate fist/boxing", Yang Style Tai Chi is useful in learning how to slow down, how to break out of the same old repetitive stress patterns, and can be a moving meditation for those who are not quite ready to sit still. Its roots in Taoist philosophy encourage an embrace of life, not a separation from it.

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An L.A. native and U.S. Navy Submarine Veteran, Evan has worked as a massage therapist for over a decade. A 12-year Reiki Master certified as an Usui Ryohou Karuna Holy Fire World Peace Reiki Master through the ICRT or Internation Center for Reiki Training, Evan endeavors to utilize a more holistic view of the body and what it carries in order to maximize the effectiveness of sessions.


Relaxation, Pain management, and Event prep & Recovery. Evan combines elements of deep tissue, sports massage, Trager, and even some relaxation techniques such as Reiki to facilitate a more efficient, less pain-intensive massage that is still effective, and can help decrease recovery time.

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Reiki sessions can include tablework, but can also include meditative sessions called Experiences that can be helpful in things such as pain management, stress and grief management, clearing negative energies, negative mental programming, or blocks to positive expression.

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An internal martial art whose name can be translated as "supreme ultimate fist/boxing", Yang Style Tai Chi is useful in learning how to slow down, how to break out of the same old repetitive stress patterns, and can be a moving meditation for those who are not quite ready to sit still. Its roots in Taoist philosophy encourage an embrace of life, not a separation from it.

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Have questions? Check out some of the most frequently asked questions here.

How does Reiki Work?
Can someone force Reiki on me?
Is Reiki a cure-all?
Does Reiki work well with Western Medicine?
What does a reiki session feel like?

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