With how busy the world is with the immense amount of responsibilities we all face on a day-to-day basis, it becomes easy to neglect ourselves in mind, body, or spirit. Everything I do helps to refill the cup allowing us to walk with clarity and to continue living our lives powerfully.


Through massage and Reiki, I help manage pain, and stress, while providing relaxation to help keep you in optimal shape.


The mind is one of the most powerful tools, but only when it is clear and focused. I'm here to help you achieve clarity.


Dreams, self, clarity, or peace, your soul is the source of all these and the driving force of your mind and body.


Relaxation, Pain management, and Event prep & Recovery. Evan combines elements of deep tissue, sports massage, Trager, and even some relaxation techniques such as Reiki to facilitate a more efficient, less pain-intensive massage that is still effective, and can help decrease recovery time.

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Reiki sessions can include tablework, but can also include meditative sessions called Experiences that can be helpful in things such as pain management, stress and grief management, clearing negative energies, negative mental programming, or blocks to positive expression..

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An internal martial art whose name can be translated as "supreme ultimate fist/boxing", Yang Style Tai Chi is useful in learning how to slow down, how to break out of the same old repetitive stress patterns, and can be a moving meditation for those who are not quite ready to sit still. Its roots in Taoist philosophy encourage an embrace of life, not a separation from it.

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